Sometimes you just have to give yourself a pat on the back — toot your own horn, right? At Cultivate Cochrane’s recent AGM we took a look at all of our efforts and accomplishments over the past year and we have to say that we even impressed ourselves with the list. We’ve been busy! And we’ve laid the foundation (metaphorically speaking) for our passive solar community greenhouse hub to come to fruition.
Some of the highlights of our last 12 months:
Incorporated as a non-profit and developed policies, strategic plan and financial plan
Held a seat on Tri Site Advisory Group and presented to the group in a bid for inclusion in Tri Site plans
Met with numerous community groups, Mayor, councillors, Town administration, local developers, and businesses to explore support and synergies
Hosted "coffee chats" to connect with interested community members
Offered Skill Build workshops ranging from tool sharpening to fermenting
Launched officially with a very well-attended passive solar greenhouse talk and tour
Hosted a table at several farmers' markets
Took part in the Labour Day Parade with a wheelbarrow full of produce, handing out postcards along the way
Visited three local greenhouses gleaning pros and cons of each design
And much more!
Rob Avis explains features of his front yard on the greenhouse talk & tour
With connections forged and groundwork laid, Cultivate Cochrane has some exciting possibilities to pursue in the year ahead. We’re ready to get busy and propel our plans to the next stage!